Thursday, November 16, 2023


NEW MOON in SCORPIO (Nov 13th) acts like the Tarot card the Tower!💥

This New Moon happened at 20 degrees in Scorpio and was in conjunction with Mars and opposite Uranus. This was a highly Scorpionic New Moon: apart from it being in Scorpio, it also happened at the 20th degree which corresponds, again, to Scorpio. Moreso, it was in conjunction with Mars, which is one of the two planets that rule Scorpio.

This New Moon is pushing for major changes in one's life. With Mars opposite Uranus, things will never be the same. Something had to be completely transformed or left behind. Some aspects of our lives have been shattered. I symbolically associate this New Moon with the Tower card in Tarot.

As advice, embrace change, don't fight it, accept change in yourself and in the situation. This change is more at a psychological level. You are being pushed to cut something off from your life, to be the one who pulls the rug in a situation, so to speak. Something is no longer working or serving your purpose and you need to address this. The Universe wants you to liberate yourself from the psychological shackles that you have been holding onto. It could be that you need to change a pattern in your personality or to tackle a major aspect of your life that is no longer giving you satisfaction.

I see that, for many people, the events of these days will trigger trauma responses in them. That will have a stronger impact than before, and it's a good thing, because your biggest fears will be brought to the surface and you will be able to see them clearly and understand better the traumas that had caused them. You will finally be able to see what is blocking you from becoming who you want to be and stopping you from achieving what you most desire. You will see the pattern in your behavior and in the way your mind works, and you will have the opportunity to free yourself from that. Don't be afraid! Do it fearlessly! Sometimes, in order for things to be looking up, they have to first crumble down.

Best things to do during these days, especially until the Full Moon:

  • Go for a major introspection.
See what you need to change in yourself to become your better version. Maybe you need to let go of a habit, an attitude, or a person. Observe your behavioral patterns and remove what is no longer serving your purpose (this could be connected to trauma responses).

  • Declutter your home.
Throw away or give away things that you no longer need or use: take the object in your hands and feel its energy. If it's evoking positive feelings, keep it, if it's evoking sadness or emotional strain, give it away. Go on a major cleaning spree, then smudge your home all around with sage or palo santo and say a prayer.

  • Pray every day.
At this time of the year, the "walls" between our world and the "other worlds" or the other dimensions are thinner... You could have clearer communication with your Spirit Guides and with the Angels. You could also get more easily in touch with your loved ones who are no longer among us, but please do not call them through seances, as that could invite other "unwanted" spirits, as well. Your loved ones could be contacted through dreams and meditation, or they would leave you different signs or messages around you.

For more information on Astrology and Solar Returns, follow and subscribe to my Substack account: Georgiana Costescu | Substack

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Wish you personal strength and resilience to navigate this period successfully!💖

Georgiana Costescu

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