Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Dear Georgiana,
I'm Natascia and as you suggested me I write here a post in order to ask your precious help to find the right place for my next ASR. My purpose is change company, 'cause I don't feel good here, but I love my kind of job...so I want to express my potential and now I can do it.
I did last ASR in Micronesia -Yap Island - as Ciro suggested. I tried by myself to discover the righrt place for next ASR: Portalnd - Maine- USA. What do you think about?
I was born on 1978, December the 19th at 01:30 a.m. in Quistello (MN) - Italy.

I forgot to write that I live in Milano - Italy...sorry.

Thank you so much and have a nice day.


Dear Natascia,

With the chart of Portland, Maine you will definitely change your job or maybe even the profession. But I would personally choose São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil. You can change the job with this one, too, without afflicting love. As for Pluto in the 6th house, you can easily exorcise it by, not only changing the job, but also by changing your diet with more natural food. For example, you can start drinking fruit smoothies every morning or become a vegan/vegetarian. With Venus and Saturn in the 4th you can strive to improve the interior/exterior design of your home. It should also involve lot of work of repair.


* * *

Hi Georgiana,
where do you suggest me to spend my birthday this year? I'm so worried because of saturn in my first house, pluton in the 2th in opposition to mars which is in the 8th house ....
Born in Rome (Italy) 10 August 1966 at 15:12 (03:12 pm)
I actually live in Ferrara (Italy), what if I spend my birthday here?
Thanks so much,

Dear Donatella,

I studied your chart together with my dear fellow astrologer Katia Novikova.

Here is the answer of Katia:

Per Donatella.

Gentile Donatella! La tua RS é difficile da risolvere. Sei sicura di voler partire visto che lo chiedi solo una decina di giorni prima del Compleanno? Ma sopratutto siamo sicuri che la tua ora di nascita sia precisa (15.12)??? Luogo buono con Giove in MC sarebbe in Sosnogorsk (vicino ad Ukhta in Russia), ma oggettivamente non credo che si possa ottenere il visto Russo in cosi poco tempo. Ci sono altri opzioni di RS, piu facili da raggiungere, anche con Giove in cuspide 11/12, ma sempre con Asc in X! E tutti questi RS richiedono ora di nascita abbastanza precisa. Rimanendo a casa tu avrai molte difficoltà economiche (Saturno in 2). Dovresti cercare di esorcizzare tale posizione difficile seguendo consigli di Ciro (dal libro “I simboli planetari”). Giove e Venere in 11, Venere in X di RS a Ferrara e buon transito di Giove ti daranno una mano. Io mi sarei preoccupata molto di più del anno 2016, quando RS sarà ancora piu difficile da trovare a causa della vicinanza di Marte e Saturno! Anno prossimo ti consiglio di pensare al Compleanno mirato molto prima, magari anche cercando di rettificare ora di nascita con protocollo di Marte se non lo hai fatto ancora... Un caro saluto, Katia

Given the circumstances (visa, time issue), I would personally go to Trondheim, Noway, as a better alternative than Ferrara. It still has Saturn in the 2nd house, but Venus would be between 10th-11th houses, which has a better influence. For the whole year, your purpose would be to exorcise Saturn in the 2nd. It usually implies an important aquisition or, simply, money trouble.

Below is the Trondheim, Norway option:

A different option, with Saturn in the 3rd, is Stornoway, Scotland. But in this case, only Mars would be in the 10th house and the ASR also in the 10th. This has an implication on your relation with your mother. It is also possible to deal with some sort of mourning with this chart. It depends a lot on your current situation.

Please see below the Stornoway chart:

With best wishes,

* * *

Sofia said...
Dear Georgiana and blogger, I have an question:
He solar return 2014 Sydney New Colombia - Canada
I solar return 2015 Sydney Australiana
Every things about business and legal question for him, all ok.Now he stay in London and averythinghs is changed ..maybe..about the about our love relationship .. we go wrong?
He born in Padova 17 September 1957 6.00 am
I born in Naples 4 June 1965 11.43 pm.
Thank you very much.

Dear Sofia,

If the birth hour is correct, I recommend Nizhnevartovsk, Russia to your husband for SR 2015.

Please see the chart below:

Did you mean Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada for SR 2014 in the case of your husband? In this situation, with Mars and Saturn in the 7th house, together with ASR in the 8th house, it definitely means relationship troubles.
For your 2016 SR, I believe it is too soon to decide. However, I can think of a chart and I will post it in the next days.


* * *

Dear Georgiana, I would ask you an advise about my next birthday. My name is Carlo and I was born in Turin (Italy) on the 03 February 1975 at 13:45. I spent my less birthday in Turin, where I live. There is a good location for my birthday 2016? Thanks a lot, best regards. Carlo

Dear Carlo,

Thank you for your message.

For the 2016 SR, I recommend to you Koror, Palau Island.

Many best wishes,


* * *

Chiedo la cortesia di suggerirmi una località per un buon compleanno 2015; 
mio figlio e risolvere la causa del divorzio da mio marito sono in primo piano.

Grazie mille

Loretta: 12 novembre 1970 ore 12:25 Milano

Dear Loretta,

Is your hour correct? If yes, I would not change too much from your base SR of Milano. I would simply move Saturn a little bit away from the 12th house cuspid. And, in this case, you could go to L'Île Rousse, (Corsica) France (north of Corsica). It should be this location only in Corsica, where you can spend your next birthday. Otherwise, we risk to place the ASR in the 12th house and we cannot do that.

Please see the chart below:

Cordiali saluti,

* * *

Cara Georgiana,

vorrei chiederti un consiglio per la prossima RS del padre di mio figlio,Luigi nato a Conselice (Ravenna) il 29/10/1942 alle ore 04,00 (da estratto di nascita). La RS 2015 per Cusano Milanino (MI) presenta Marte in 4 casa e Saturno in 6 casa, ti chiedo se esiste una buona,o discreta soluzione che possa escludere Saturno dalla 6 casa.....Come esercizio, ho provato a cercare una soluzione : mettendo Marte in 3 casa Saturno va in 5 casa,Urano e l'ascendente in X casa. Luigi è un piccolo imprenditore e,come tanti, soffre da diversi anni della grave crisi economica,vorrebbe vendere l'azienda ma,ad oggi, non ha trovato acquirenti interessati. Vorrei chiederti,per Luigi,la miglior RS per proteggere la salute, l'ambito economico, quindi anche l'aspetto patrimoniale, consolidando,se possibile, il suo lavoro dato che è, ad oggi,l'unica fonte di reddito per la nostra famiglia. Luigi vive a Cusano Milanino,e abbiamo un figlio di 13 anni. Luigi ha trascorso il ritorno solare del 2014 a Cusano Milanino, l'anno è stato caratterizzato da un grande impegno in ambito lavorativo,le uscite di denaro sono state maggiori rispetto alle entrate. Inoltre il 30 novembre 2014 è mancato,dopo due anni di malattia, un suo dipendente e fidato collaboratore,è stato per Luigi un momento molto difficile,di profonda sofferenza. Luigi si sottopone, con regolarità a controlli medici,e ad oggi gode di buona salute. Grazie per la tua disponibilità.

Carla, Milano (nata a Rimini 11/10/1962 alle ore 12 e 05 / 12 e 30, RS del 2014 trascorsa a Eskişehir )

Dear Georgiana,

I would like to ask your advice for the next RS father of my son, Louis, born in Conselice (Ravenna) on 10.29.1942 at 04.00 (from birth certificate). The RS 2015 to Cusano Milanino (MI) has Mars in the fourth house and Saturn in the sixth house, you wonder if there is a good, fair or solution that can be excluded from Saturn 6 home ..... As an exercise, I tried to find a solution: putting Mars in the third house Saturn is in the fifth house, Uranus and Ascendant in X house. Louis is a small business and, like many others, is suffering from several years of severe economic crisis, the company would like to sell but, to date, found no interested buyers. Let me ask you, for Luigi, the best RS to protect the health, economic, so also the historical aspects, consolidating, if possible, his work as it is, to date, the only source of income for our family. Louis lives in Cusano Milanino, and we have a son of 13 years. Louis spent the solar return in 2014 to Cusano Milanino, the year was characterized by a strong commitment in the workplace, the outputs of money were more than revenue. Also on Nov. 30, 2014 it passed away, after two years of illness, one of his employees and trusted collaborator, has been a very difficult time for Luigi, of profound suffering. Luigi undergoes, regular medical check-ups, and today enjoys good health. Thanks for your availability.

Carla, Milan (born in Rimini 11/10/1962 at 24:05 / 24:30, RS 2014 spent Eskişehir)

Dear Carla,

I have two suggestions for Luigi. First is Indian Springs, Nevada, US, very close to Las Vegas (1 hour drive). If we take in consideration the birth hour 4:00 as the correct one and if we think that he might have been born, in fact, 2 minutes earlier, at 3:58 am, he could spend the birthday in Las Vegas. I suggested Indian Springs just to secure that Mars won't have any influence over the 8th house.

I would personally choose this, but ONLY if the birth hour is correct! Otherwise, I do not recommend it. If Luigi were born less than 5 minutes later than the official hour 4:00 am, then he would have a stellium in the 8th house, which is a very dangerous position!

The other option is Ekaterinburg, Russia. This is good if he intends to take on a new job or change the profession. It implies a drastic change in his activity or profession. This is a relatively safe option if the birth hour is a little bit unprecise.

Please see below:

Also, please confirm whether your birth date is 11 October and not 10 November. I have to create also your chart, because they work in synergy.

Cordiali saluti,

Georgiana Costescu

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Cordova, Alaska

Dear Georgiana,

Nice to meet you and congratulations for the blog.
I did not enter the blog directly, so I send you this e-mail. If there is another way, please let me know.
I know it’s early, but I would like to organize my next birthday.
From my research, I saw that Quito, Ecuador, could be a good destination. What do you think ?
Birthaday 2015 Amsterdam, as Master Ciro suggested.
Thank you

Casale Monferrato – 03/03/1969 – h. 00.15

Dear Domenica,

Thank you for your message.

I advise you to go to Darwin, Australia for your next Solar Return. Jupiter and Venus will protect your health during this difficult year.

Quito (Ecuador) is not good, because you would have 3 planets spread over the 1st and the 12th house. This is the equivalent of a stellium in the 12th house. Even if, for example, the 3 planets were Venus, Jupiter and Mercury, the effect would still be the same. We cannot select such a position. 

Many best wishes,


* * *

gabriele paganella said...

Per Florence di Varese.

Forse per aiutarci a capire tutti sarebbe meglio che tu descrivessi l'anno appena trascorso se no diventa difficile capire il perchè secondo te non gira bene.


* * *

Dear Georgiana, 

My name's Elisabetta and I have been interested in AA for some time now. Last year was very good for love, thanks to my RSM in S. Petersburg. This year I think that staying in Milan would not be that bad. I am interested in protecting love and job, and in general to have a good year.....can you advise a good location otherwise? 30/7/75 Arezzo h. 9.15 Thank you! 

Dear Elisabetta

My advise for your 2015 SR is Cordova, Alaska. With this chart, you would have both Venus and Jupiter on the MC. It is a good position for your profession and job, but also in general.

You don't have to worry too much for Saturn in the first house, as you will also have the transit of Jupiter over the natal ASC. Saturn in the first house can be easily exorcised with visits to the dentist and all kind of therapies that involve bones and teeth (chiropractics, backbone massage, kinetotherapy, deep cleaning of teeth, dental braces, implants).

Also, a good idea is embarking on a diet to lose a few kilos (even if you don't need it) and detoxify your organism. You could simply eat less and less tasty foods. Don't indulge your senses. For instance, give up completely eating chocolate or any sweets for this year. Get up from the table when you are still a little hungry, having a sense of frustration. Engage in long lasting projects that require discipline and lot of work. 
Moderation is the key.


Georgiana Costescu


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Welcome Florence from Varese!

Ciao Georgiana, prima di tutto ti ringrazio di cuore per la tua grande disponibilita'.

Sono Florence, Varese 26.2.64 h.10,45, ho fatto la rsm 2015 a Flores Azzorre, ma non gira bene, mi puoi dire qualcosa? 

La prossima non so se la faro'-

Grazie di cuore.

26 February 1964, 10:45 am, Varese, Italy

Dear Florence,

First of all, please excuse me for not answering in Italian, but my Italian is not very good.

There are bad transits this year over your natal chart. Neptune is conjunct your natal Sun, then there is the transit of Saturn over your DSC and in square to your natal Sun and Mars. The square will form again at mid October. All these determine both professional and relational troubles.
Your Solar Return for this year is protective if your birth hour is correct: 10:45 am. Jupiter is in the 12th house of the SR, so your health is protected. Jupiter in 12th house of the SR acts like a guardian angel. 
However, if you were born 10 min later than 10:45, then the situation would be different, because Uranus would be in the 8th house, forming a stellium with Mars and Venus. The stellium in the 8th house is as bad as a 12th house ASR.
Considering that the birth hour is exact, Uranus stays in the 9th house, Venus-Mars in the 8th and the ASR falls in the 4th house which indicates that the main events of the year are in connection with an immovable property. My advise to you is to spend and sweat as much as possible doing repairs at home. Probably you've already encountered troubles related to things that break at home. Related to your work, it appears some sort of relocation. Probably you change your office and it becomes more difficult to you to accomodate. As regards relations, with your spouse or generally, they are difficult this year. Saturn will transit over your DSC and form bad aspects with your Sun. 
Because of transit Neptune conjunct your Sun, you may also experience fobias, fears or even depression. To exorcise this transit, you should direct all your passions and actions towards an ideal. You should become a fanatic supporter of an idea, a cause or simply follow your heart and invest more in a passion that you have, something that you love to do, something that you could exhaust yourself doing.
The 2015 SR is simply a shelter that protects you from the bad transits of this year.
If you want, I can think of a good 2016 SR for you.
Also, I am available for a private consultation, in case you need more information on how to exorcise the transits and your current SR.

Cordiali saluti,

* * * 

Dear Georgiana,

thanks for the answer. I believe Canada is a difficult location to reach.......i guess almost impossible for this year. However I will try to do my best----indeed what do you think about PARIS? I could avail two good cusps, except the bad position of Uranus in the 12th house and Saturn in the 7th house...I would like to konw your opinion abut the RS 2015 IN PARIS, and alternatively what do you think will happen if I will spend my solar return in Oleggio - Novara, Italy...The datas still 04.09, Verbania-Italy.
I send you many greetings------->thanks a lot for you job and for the patience.


Dear Ale,

I do not recommend to you Paris. During this year you will experience the transit of Saturn in square to your Sun and Moon, so we cannot risk and select a 10th house ASR and/or Pluto on the MC. Pluto on the MC is a bad position in this context.

I don't recommend Oleggio, Italy, either. The ASR is still in the 10th house. This could mean trouble at work and a possible health issue for your mother. Uranus in the 12th could also generate health problems or any other unexpected hindrance that comes your way.

There is a direct flight between Vancouver International and Port Hardy (British Columbia).

If you know your birth hour with a high precision, a different option, without Uranus in the 12th, would be Antananarivo, Madagascar. The ASR is in the 11th house and Uranus is also in the 11th house. But you would still have to exorcise Saturn in the 7th house which is a difficult position. You should declare war to your enemies. Also, you will have to exorcise the stellium in the 4th house. The 4th house may also mean hospitalization or visits to the hospital. In order to exorcise, you should spend more time at home studying; refrain from going out. Act like a recluse. Also, visit more often your parents and do lots of repairs at home. You could also purchase new furniture, for example.


25 August 1987, 4:09 am, Verbania, Italy

* * *


My name is Rozalia and I need to thank Georgiana for all her support. 

Many years I felt I was struggling with life and because of that I tried to understand everything about unseen energy, right place for living or even occult things to improve my life.

So, I asked for help to guide me to choose a right place for SR 2015-2016 and Georgiana indicated me Perm town from Russia. And believe it or not, I accepted the challenge even it is not an exotic place but I was desperate to change my luck and to improve my health.

Georgiana pointed me out to be very cautious in this travel because my SR 2014-2015 had difficult aspects and also Mars conjunct my DS in this travel and so I did.

I will share with you a few incidents even I don’t know if it has or not an astrological impact.

The plane had to take off at 14:45 pm, but it was a technical problem and I left the country at 18:00 pm. I arrived at 3:00 am in Perm and unfortunately the receptionist from hotel didn’t send me a taxi as I initially ordered. So, I had to negotiate with locals, even I didn’t know the Russian language and of course they didn’t speak English language. When I came back, Bucharest's Airport was paralyzed for two hours, during air traffic controllers' strike. 

As all over the world the tourists are cheated by locals and it was also my case but at a small scale (taxi driver, sellers etc.) 

It is hard for me to say if in this moment I already feel the energy of the SR 2015-2016, because of, there is a serious problem in my family and I am not able to dedicate of myself, “ to exploit” the planets from my 11 house SR 2015-2016 ( as Georgiana told me). But I will send a feedback when it will be happen. 

I still believe that if we are on the right way/place, all the universe conspires in helping us, because we are interconnected. (someone smarter than me said it) :)

Thank you and best wishes!

14 July 1975, 13:00, Braila, Romania

Dear Rozalia,

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Cu drag,

* * * 

gabriele paganella said...

Gentile Georgiana vorrei una breve conferma sulle mie dominanti.

In ordine di potenza: Mercurio, 3° casa e Giove? Giove si trova a 5 gradi da FC possiamo considerarlo dominante? (sto utilizzando l'ora delle 9.11 come da correzione ormai giunta al termine)

Nella mia vita credo di aver sempre avuto una fortuna di fondo che mi ha sempre spinto o portato davanti alle persone giuste soprattutto nei momenti più difficili, dandomi la possibilità di uscirne sempre alla grande!

Ti ringrazio

Dear Gabriele,

Your dominant planet is Mercury. I personally don't consider dominant a planet that is 5 degrees away from the cuspid of the angular houses. I would consider it if there were an orb of less than 3 degrees. It does have an influence, but, in this case, it is weaker. Your luck comes from other combinations of planets/aspects. First of all, you have the Sun in the 11th house receiving a trine from Jupiter. Then you have Venus in the 10th house. Also, Mercury which is your dominant, has strong positive aspects and it is well-placed in Gemini. You make your way out of trouble.

Cordiali saluti,

27 June 1982, 9:11 am, Mantova, Italy

Georgiana Costescu

Saturday, July 18, 2015

I recently received a few messages from Active Astrology followers.

AleJuly 14, 2015 at 7:59 PM

Dear Georgiana,

I'm glad to see your blog. I'm a fan of Active Astrology just from few years, even if it opened me a new world. I would like to know what do you think about some questions I have and in particular:

1 - what do you think it is the best job for me, viewing my birth chart----25TH OF AUGUST 1987, HOUR:04.09 VERBANIA, ITALY. I have to anticipate that I have an incredible stellium in the 2nd house, in Virgo.

2 - moreover, I spent my solar return of 2014 in Van-Turkey, buth the things are getting more and more annoying than what I've foreseen.In particular I'm not feeling satisfaction for me actual occupation and i want a change as soon as possible.

3 - to adjust the situation and finding what is for me the PRIORITY so far, I MEAN FINDING A REAL GOOD PAID JOB that possibly matches with my expectation, I would like to know what destination you advice for me. I've already have an idea, but i really would like to know your idea, in order to avoid further influences.

I thank you in advance for the attention and I wish you all the best for the Blog.

* * *

Dear Alessandro,

Thank you for your message.

Here are my answers to your 3 questions:

1. You do have a beautiful stellium in the 2nd house and also a very beautiful Jupiter in the 10th house. Sooner or later, the beautiful Jupiter in the 10th house will bring you the professional elevation that you crave for. I believe that the best career for you is in the field of artistic creation. You could be a wonderful film director, music composer or photographer. Anything that is related to image suits you. You could also be a fashion designer. You have ASC in Leo, so your direction is towards getting recognition, creating and being admired, being in the center of attention. You like luxury and elegance. You stellium in the 2nd house makes you more a Taurus than a Virgo. You like jewlery, nice clothes and spending money for your better image. Your many planets in Virgo make you work very well with details. You could also be a jewlery creator and designer. Apart from these activities, you could launch yourself in the business sector. You are also a good strategist.

2. The transits of the past year show transit Uranus over the MC, transit Saturn square your beautiful stellium (that includes the Sun and the Moon) in 2nd house. You've also probably experienced at the end of January 2015 a complicated financial-professional situation. At that time you had transit Saturn square your natal stellium, transit Uranus over the MC, transit Mars-Neptune in the 8th house in opposition to your natal stellium and Pluto square to your natal MC. 
So, as a conclusion, taking in consideration the transits, the year was pretty dangerous.

Uranus over the MC urges you to change your career. Pluto is also transiting your natal 6th house.

The 2014 SR chart spent in Van, Turkey is neutral, in my opinion. It is not a bad chart, but it does not show professional or financial elevation. The ASR is in 7th natal house and the 7th house of the SR has several planets in it, including Jupiter and Venus which are good. Jupiter in the 6th house was well positioned there, as you had to have your health protected in a year such as this one (with harsh transits over your Sun and Moon). 
With the Van chart, you probably met someone who might help you afterwards. The good planets always do their part of work. Mars-Saturn conjuction is very bad, but that couldn't be changed, so the person who created your chart had to place it in some house, so that it doesn't cause too much harm. 

3. My suggestion for your next Solar Return on 25th of August is Port Hardy, British Columbia, Canada.
You can see below the chart.

Many best wishes,

* * *

gabriele paganellaJuly 17, 2015 at 11:06 AM

Gentile Georgiana, ho notato nel disegno della carta natale che indichi anche il trigono venere-luna. Io l'ho sempre considerato perchè l'orbita è 8°10'.. é sicuramente larga però sei d'accordo con me che non va trascurata? Anche per il semplice fatto che sia la luna che venere formano un solo aspetto rispettivamente con nettuno e urano.. 
Ti ringrazio

Sapevo che avrei trovato degli spunti giusti. Si vero,con Urano in dodicesima e Marte in sesta di fortunato ci sarebbe stato ben poco. Poi ti ringrazio per la spiegazione di un eventuale Saturno in settima, certi aspetti non li ho proprio considerati.

Archiviando il capitolo della rivoluzione del 2014, vorrei chiederti informazione su quella del 2015 trascorsa a Jakarta. E' la primissima volta che mi trovo venere-giove congiunti in decima, cosa ci si può aspettare?
La rivoluzione solare l'ho calcolata per le 9.11 (premetto che l'estratto di nascita dice 9.30), ma sono quasi due anni che sto verificando gli ingressi di Marte nei transiti, e praticamente quasi sempre anticipa di non poco il suo ingresso facendomi arretrare fino alle 9.11. Ora la mia scelta di jakarta è data per capire meglio l'ora: se mai fossi nato oltre le 9.25 mi prenderei stellium in ottava casa e con saturno in prima e urano in sesta dovrei aspettarmi cose non belle. Se invece l'ora è pressapoco esatta allora l'incognita è data da Saturno che si trova a ridosso della cuspide della seconda.casa. Come interpretare eventualmente un Saturno in seconda casa? significa sempre meno entrate o una spesa per un bene a lungo termine?
Ad oggi ti informo che ho stipulato esattamente il 30 giugno un'assicurazione sulla vita e sugli infortuni con un contratto di vent'anni con una spesa di circa 200 € all'anno.(i contratto può essere sciolto in qualsiasi momento,non ci sono vincoli)

Ti ringrazio

Gabriele, 27th June, 1982, 9:11 am, Mantova, Italy

* * * 

Dear Gabriele,

I consider an orb of tolerance of maximum 9 degrees for faster planets like the Moon and Venus, when there is a major aspect involved, like a trine, an opposition or a square. It is a weaker connection between your Moon-Venus, but it exists.

Venus-Jupiter in the 10th house is a wonderful position. It is a general protector of the year. And it shows an emancipation in one or more fields of your life. It is also good for the profession and for work. Given the fact that this year Jupiter will be transiting your 2nd house of your natal chart, the Venus-Jupiter conjunction in the 10th house of the SR, could improve your finances or simply help you make a wise acquisition. If Saturn reaches the cuspid of the 2nd house of the SR, then you would experience financial bleeding. With Jupiter transiting the 2nd house, together with the Venus-Jupiter in the 10th house, I believe the bleeding is related to an important expensive acquisition or a constant expenditure for things that you need in order to emancipate. 
Saturn in the 2nd house also indicates that you invest a lot of work to earn your money. And the money you earn are not enough to cover your needs.
Anyway, it might be a good thing that you acquired a life insurance, just to make sure you exorcise a possible Saturn in the 2nd house.
Indeed, if you were born after 9:25, then the stellium in the 8th, together with Saturn in the 1st and Uranus in the 6th, would cause you health problems or even an accident. In fact, if you were born at 9:20, then Mars will be in the 8th house. Its position should be felt very soon and actively.
Please keep us updated on the events generated by your current Solar Return of Jakarta. We can debate your situation on the blog.
If you need help in order to better adjust your birth hour or simply for a more detailed chart reading, you can contact me for a private consultation at thesolarreturn@gmail.com

Thank you again for your willingness to talk about your SR experience!

Many best wishes,

* * *

MichelJuly 17, 2015 at 4:32 PM

Hello Georgiana,

Many thanks for your kind initiative to support to Ciro with your blog. 
My name is Michele from Italy. I spent my 
last S.R. in Edinburgh. It is still soon to think to the next birthday, but as exercise, I Tried to search the next good location for me. My scope is always to protect my job and career sectors. So I think that St. Louis (Missouri - USA) is the better location for me in 2016. 
My dates are: Palermo (Italy) 11-April-1972 08:20 h.
Are you agree?
Thank you in advance for your kind reply.

 * * *

Dear Michele,

As my dear colleague Katia Novikova recommended, the best solution for your Solar Return chart of 2016 is Fort Severn, Ontario, Canada

Here is the chart.

Many best wishes,

Georgiana Costescu