Monday, April 4, 2016

Dear Readers,

I will give resolutions to each of you who wrote on the blog. But I will treat with priority the requests for the Solar Returns that approach.

Dear Georgiana,
happy new Year! I wrote you already on 17 July 2015 for my S.R. 2016 and you suggested me Fort Severn, Ontario, Canada. But, apart from that this location is not easy to reach, during the 2015 I have had a lot of problem with my job, remaining unemployed for three months. I know that my solar return 2015 spent in Edinburgh (Scotland) is not finished and other good job opportunities (I hope!) can arrived in my life until to my next birthday. But my question is: can I change the location for my S.R. 2016 with Johannesburg (South Africa) with Mars in X house in order to have a big push for my career? Or your the location suggested in the last July is not modifiable?
My data are: Palermo (Italy) 11 April 1972 at 08:20 a.m.
Thank you in advance for your kind reply.

Dear Michele,

My opinion is that Fort Severn, Canada is just perfect for your next SR. However, if you can't travel there, you could go to Bethal, South Africa. This is a town very close to Johannesburg. I suggest Bethal, rather than Johannesburg, because Venus would be more into the 2nd house, counterbalancing the influence of Neptune in the 2nd and creating a good base for money, together with Jupiter in the 8th house. 
For career wise, Mars in the 10th house is good as a push, but it could also lead to losing a job or a position. It acts better for freelancers, but if you really work hard to improve career, it could help. This would make your year restless from the professional point of view. I would have personally avoided Mars in the 10th, moreover because Saturn is in the 11th in the SR and you have the tranzit of Saturn in the 7th natal house, which indicates potential troubles in social relations. Generally, we need good social relations and supporters (11th house) in order to enhance a career.
However, a very good idea is to use the Mars' influence to perfect yourself in your career: attend as many courses as possible, learn new skills, interact with a lot of people in your field, try as much as possible to be out of your comfort zone. 
As for this SR that is ending, spent in Edinburgh (Scotland), I can see that you have Jupiter in the 10th house. Certainly you've lost the job because of Saturn tranziting your 6th natal house, but, in my opinion, somewhere behind that event, there was some sort of emancipation. I would be curious to know more about the last events of the SR, if you are willing to share your experience.

Many best wishes,

* * *

Dear Georgiana,
I've just come back from my solar return in Darwin. Fantastic !!! I want to thank you for the precious suggestions you give. Unforgettable experience.

Dear Domenica,

I am glad you enjoyed this experience! I wish you an amazing year and the possibility the accomplish anything you desire!

Warm wishes,

* * * 

Dear Georgiana, thank you very much for the work you do on this blog, my english is bad, sorry. For my next birthday I found Georgetown in Guyana. My birthday I spent in the 2015 Lulea in Sweden . If I stay in Rome in 2016 would have the worst possible position of the sun Mars and Saturn not to mention that even the lunar revolution of April 29, 2016 would be terrible .what do you think about it? you have to suggest a better goal ?

Cara Georgiana, molte grazie per il lavoro che fai su questo blog, il mio inglese è pessimo, scusami.Per il mio prossimo compleanno ho trovato Georgetown in Guyana. Nel 2015 il compleanno l' ho passato a Lulea in Svezia. Se nel 2016 rimanessi a Roma avrei le peggior posizioni del sole marte e saturno accompagnata pure da una lunare del 29 aprile pessima. Cosa ne pensi? Hai da suggerirmi una meta migliore? Barbara Pat (born in Rome May 5, 1961 at 12:20....nata a Roma il 5 maggio 1961 alle 12,20). A warm greeting.

Yes I confirm you, I was born in Rome May 5 1961 at 12,20 p.m.(in the afternoon)

Barbara Pat

Dear Barbara,

For your next SR I recommend Curitiba, Brazil. Please see below the chart. Georgetown (Guyana) is not a good option, because you would have 3 planets in the 8th house, combination which has the same bad influence as the 12th house. It is ok to have 2 planets in the 8th house, but not more.

If you can't reach Curitiba, you could also go to Sao Paulo

The Lunar Revolution you are mentioning, will take place on 28th of April at 8:09 AM in Rome, Italy. I believe a good alternative, would be to travel to Dubai for that date. But, of course, it depends a lot on your activities and plans that you have for that period.

Warm wishes,

Georgiana Costescu


gabriele paganella said...

Cara Georgiana,
il 27 giugno è vicino.

Qual'è la soluzione migliore per spingere ancora di più il lavoro?
Ho una figlia e una compagna.


Nato a Mantova 27 giugno 1982 ore tra le 9.09 e 9.22.

gabriele paganella said...

My birthday is near.
I would like to push further the work.
I am a self-employed but working within a single company as a commercial.
I have a daughter and a companion.

Rev. precendente Jakarta.

Assumptions about the revolution in 2016: Angra do Heroismo. (Portugal)

Ps. Interestingly the mars speech in tenth of revolution home, tied to a freelancer.

27/06/1982 Mantova hours 9:09 to 9:21.