Houston, Texas
Can you, to help me and tell me what will be the best place for my next SR.Je was born on 21/02/1959 to Sorgues ( France) at 07:40 am. Thank you very much.
A friend, who suffers from the absence of his(her) partner who left him(it) would like to know the place of his SR for a reconciliation.
He was born 29 / 01 / 1978à Aubervilliers ( France) at 02:30 am.
Still one thousand thank you
Marguerite de France
Dear Marguerite,
For your friend, I have already recommended Paralimni, Cyprus or Kodiak, Alaska in one of my previous posts.
For you, I recommend Houston, Texas (USA). It is not very good for money, as there will be a lot of spending, but it is good in general for your health and well-being.
Please see the chart below.
Many best wishes,
* * *
Carissima Georgiana mi puoi mostrare la differenza per Georgetown Guyana e invece Bridgetown Barbados? Grazie 1000 Flo 26 febr. 1964 Varese h. 10, 45
Cara Flo,
A Georgetown, Guyana, Venere è più vicina alla cuspide della 5a casa, pertanto, influenza entrambi casa 4 e casa 5a. Comunque, la differenza è minore, così, si può andare in qualsiasi dei due luoghi, quello che ti piace di più.
* * *
Dear Georgiana,
I contact you because i would like to know your opinion for my father's solar return of 2016. He was skeptical about this tool, but I think he's getting interested day by day, maybe listening to me and my mother talking about active astrology.
However, he was born in Rapallo( Italy) the 21st of March 1959 at hour 09:20 AM (approximately because we don't have any official deed unfortunately). His main concern so far is to sell the Hotel he has from few years located in Oleggio (Novara-Italy) and if is possible protect also the health ( He suffered an heart-attack in the past ). Alternatively, since i don't have the software to find the best possible position in the planet, I would like to know a location that matches all the active astrology's rules. I thank you in advance for the patience and I'm looking forward a wise reply from you.
I contact you because i would like to know your opinion for my father's solar return of 2016. He was skeptical about this tool, but I think he's getting interested day by day, maybe listening to me and my mother talking about active astrology.
However, he was born in Rapallo( Italy) the 21st of March 1959 at hour 09:20 AM (approximately because we don't have any official deed unfortunately). His main concern so far is to sell the Hotel he has from few years located in Oleggio (Novara-Italy) and if is possible protect also the health ( He suffered an heart-attack in the past ). Alternatively, since i don't have the software to find the best possible position in the planet, I would like to know a location that matches all the active astrology's rules. I thank you in advance for the patience and I'm looking forward a wise reply from you.
Dear Alessandro,
For your father I have two suggestions:
Honolulu, Hawaii which is good for heath protection.
And Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain which is good for the financial part, if your father sells the hotel.
However, I would recommend Hawaii as the first option.
Best wishes,
Georgiana Costescu
Cara Georgiana.
Sono al giro di boa e nei sei mesi trascorsi possiamo definire alcune cose.
La mia rivoluzione di Jakarta aveva 2 pianeti molto vicini alle cuspidi: Saturno tra 1 e 2 casa, marte tra 8 e 9 casa.
Gli effetti di marte in ottava li ho pienamente avuti.
- grosse somme di denaro spese dalla mia compagna, spese di notaio, costretta a cedere la sua parte di immobile, raccomandata della banca che le chiedeva una somma enorme di denaro.
-tasse arretrate
-assicurazione stipulata sulla vita e infortunio
-energie spese per 2/3 mesi in richieste mutui e prestiti.
Come vedi possiamo dire con certezza che Marte in ottava ha funzionato.
Marte in nona ad oggi faccio fatica a trovare significati,senza dimenticare che la presenza del sole in nona casa mi confonde. Quale differenza può esserci tra un sole e un marte in nona?(mi sono iscritto in palestra dopo 4 anni)
Passiamo a Saturno in prima:
- placche bianche in gola
- colica renale (sono recidivo questa è la terza)
- tonsillite a ottobre e una a gennaio
- virus intestinale la settimana di natale
Tutto questo fa notizia perchè io di solito non mi ammalo mai!
Saturno in seconda casa:
- se non sbaglio possiamo definire saturno sulla cuspide per le tonsilliti visto che la seconda casa riguarda la gola.
- ho vissuto in questi mesi oltre le mie possibilità economiche facendomi vivere momenti di difficoltà.
- stipulazione ventennale dell'assicurazione su infortunio e vita.
- la tendenza rispetto allo scorso anno a perdere un paio di chili.
- aumento di spese
Come vedi credo di poter essere sicuro sul fatto che Saturno si trovasse sulla cuspide 1/2.
Per concludere dico anche che la coppia giove-venere in decima sta prolungando il mio momento d'oro al lavoro. Quello che tocco diventa oro, sto chiudendo contratti con numeri sorprendenti (credo per l'ascendente in terza casa), anche se ho riscontrato che nei mesi dove ho chiuso più contratti ci sono valori o di undicesima o sull'asse seconda/ottava (controllo attraverso le lunari). Le provvigioni (abbastanza consistenti) di questi contratti le avrò ad aprile, maggio e giugno. (potrebbe essere sempre un significato di saturno in seconda che dopo sacrifici mi elargisce a fine del mio anno i giusti compensi).
Mi piacerebbe avere un tuo parere su questa analisi.
Mantova, 27 giugno 1982 ore 9.30 (estratto), ma io sto lavorando per un'orario più basso da 2 anni tra le 9.10 e 9.20.
Riv. 2015 jakarta
Un abbraccio
Dear Georgiana , I would ask you advice where to spend the next birthday to my son George , born in Bologna on August 2, 2002 at 11.10 am ( time from birth certificate and medical records ) .Giorgio attends eighth grade with good grades , has an intelligence intuitive and brilliant , is committed but not a " nerd " . Plays basketball , with enthusiasm and this year he also joined a course in theater acting . I want to ask for George, the best RS to protect the health, studies and support him in his growth ( exalt in his quality and strengthen its fragility ) protecting his serenity .
The RS 2015 has spent in Stockholm , it is from 2012 that Giorgio is aimed birthdays helping him to turn his House X (which, as said the illustrious Master Ciro " could make the difference between a guy who suffers and a future man winning " ) . Thank you very much , Carla Milan
Hi Georgiana,
I'm sorry to bother you again, but I have to confess you, I didn't understand your reckoning system for my father's 2016 solar revolution. Infact with the astrologiainlinea website, I can calculate a different chart for Las Palmas and also for Honolulu not corresponding to your charts. Especially the LAS PALMAS'S CHART is very close to the MALINDI-KENYA SR'SCHART i've found for my dad with his datas.....21st march of 1959 09.20Am.....maybe is a misunderstanding or the calculation system is different.....it would be fantastic if we can find a coherent solution to this question to avoid annoying further problems in the future.....thanks again.....
risolta la questione R.S.2015 per St.John's, isola di Terranova in Canada, ove mi consigli di recarmi per la mia prossima R.S. 2017?
Angelino59 nato a Torino il 3 Gennaio 1959 ore 12.50
Grazie mille per il tuo interessamento..
Dear Georgiana, how are you? I hope you are doing well.
I would like to ask you some advice for my next birthday, because I will need to relocate it. Mars and Saturn will be in a tight conjunction (2 degree orb) at my birthday, only a few degrees away from my eight house cusp (5 for Saturn and 7 for Mars). In my past experiences, years when I got malefics such as Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and even the Ascendant in the 8th house, all brought dangerous and frightening situations, such as thievery, carjacking, ferocious dog's attacks and even car accidents. Fortunately, the last two were just big scares with no physical consequences (both happened in a year with Saturn in 8th, 5 degrees away from 9 house cusp). Such a tight conjunction close to the eight house cusp in a 12th house SR ASC.. is really making me think it might be the year of my passing.
So, my birth data is 29/08/1983, 22:50, Curitiba/Brazil. My ideas for a good SR are: 1) Kuusamo, Finland, and Las Vegas, USA. But your advices are usually much better than my guesses, so what do you think? :)
Thanks in advance and congratulations on your blog!
Dear Giorgiana,how are you?
My name is Silvia and i was born in Mileto (VV), Italy, on the 20 august 1969 at 11:10.
I live in Turin.
I would you an advise about my next birthday.
I am married and have two daughters.
I would like to have the best solar revolution for me to health and for the family.
Thank you so much.
Dear Georgiana,
I'm Elisa and I would like to know your suggestion for my 2016 RSM, preferably in Europe if it is possible.
I'd like to foster love and the possibility to get pregnant...
I was borne in Arezzo, 30/7/75 , 9.15.
Thanks you so much!
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