Houston, Texas
Can you, to help me and tell me what will be the best place for my next SR.Je was born on 21/02/1959 to Sorgues ( France) at 07:40 am. Thank you very much.
A friend, who suffers from the absence of his(her) partner who left him(it) would like to know the place of his SR for a reconciliation.
He was born 29 / 01 / 1978à Aubervilliers ( France) at 02:30 am.
Still one thousand thank you
Marguerite de France
Dear Marguerite,
For your friend, I have already recommended Paralimni, Cyprus or Kodiak, Alaska in one of my previous posts.
For you, I recommend Houston, Texas (USA). It is not very good for money, as there will be a lot of spending, but it is good in general for your health and well-being.
Please see the chart below.
Many best wishes,
* * *
Carissima Georgiana mi puoi mostrare la differenza per Georgetown Guyana e invece Bridgetown Barbados? Grazie 1000 Flo 26 febr. 1964 Varese h. 10, 45
Cara Flo,
A Georgetown, Guyana, Venere è più vicina alla cuspide della 5a casa, pertanto, influenza entrambi casa 4 e casa 5a. Comunque, la differenza è minore, così, si può andare in qualsiasi dei due luoghi, quello che ti piace di più.
* * *
Dear Georgiana,
I contact you because i would like to know your opinion for my father's solar return of 2016. He was skeptical about this tool, but I think he's getting interested day by day, maybe listening to me and my mother talking about active astrology.
However, he was born in Rapallo( Italy) the 21st of March 1959 at hour 09:20 AM (approximately because we don't have any official deed unfortunately). His main concern so far is to sell the Hotel he has from few years located in Oleggio (Novara-Italy) and if is possible protect also the health ( He suffered an heart-attack in the past ). Alternatively, since i don't have the software to find the best possible position in the planet, I would like to know a location that matches all the active astrology's rules. I thank you in advance for the patience and I'm looking forward a wise reply from you.
I contact you because i would like to know your opinion for my father's solar return of 2016. He was skeptical about this tool, but I think he's getting interested day by day, maybe listening to me and my mother talking about active astrology.
However, he was born in Rapallo( Italy) the 21st of March 1959 at hour 09:20 AM (approximately because we don't have any official deed unfortunately). His main concern so far is to sell the Hotel he has from few years located in Oleggio (Novara-Italy) and if is possible protect also the health ( He suffered an heart-attack in the past ). Alternatively, since i don't have the software to find the best possible position in the planet, I would like to know a location that matches all the active astrology's rules. I thank you in advance for the patience and I'm looking forward a wise reply from you.
Dear Alessandro,
For your father I have two suggestions:
Honolulu, Hawaii which is good for heath protection.
And Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain which is good for the financial part, if your father sells the hotel.
However, I would recommend Hawaii as the first option.
Best wishes,
Georgiana Costescu