Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Dear Georgiana, could you help me for solar revolution? Born in vigevano, pv, italy may 30th 1963 at 04,30 am.


Dear Giulio,

I recommend to you Kapaa, Hawaii. You could also go to Honolulu or to Hilo Is (Hawaii), but I believe Kapaa is best. However, if you suspect that you were born a little bit earlier than 4:30 AM, then go to Honolulu, Hawaii.

Many best wishes,

* * *

Buongiorno non ho avuto risposta,provo a contattarla di nuovo.
Salve Sono Marianna da Firezne nata il 4 giugno 1977 a Firenze ore 6 20 la mattina.
Vorrei trovare il grande Amore della Vita e finire l universita
Dove posso adanre per la prossima rivoluzione solare??


Cara Marianna,

Ti consiglio Santa Cruz das Flores (Azzorre) o Reykjavik (Islanda)Reykjavik è meglio per amore (ASR in 5a casa), ancora di più perché Giove sarà in transito in quinta casa nel tema natale.


* * *

I have a terrifying SR for this year, and wanted some advice. On top of that, I checked the returns for everyone in my immediate family and we all have quite negative aspects although I think mine is the worst. I'm born on 6/6/1989 at 4:37am in Charlotte, NC. I'm currently living in Wilmington NC and this is the main points of my return: 

1. Sun, moon and venus all conjunct in the 8th SR house 

2. Natal 6th house on the SR ASC (but close to the cusp of my 7th house, 9 degrees away from my 7th) 

3. Natal Pluto conjunct SR ASC (3 degree orb)

4. Mars in 1st SR house (not conjunct asc)

5. Saturn in 2nd SR house, in strong opposition to the SR sun, moon and Venus in 8th
6. Pluto, the SR Asc ruler is in 3rd, forming a grand earth trine to mercury in Taurus in 7 and Jupiter in Virgo in 11th, hopefully this is the positive 
7. Grand mutable cross between sun/Venus/moon in gemini in 8th, jupiter in virgo in 11th, saturn in sag in 2nd and neptune in Pisces in 4th (cusp of 5th though)
8.,SR uranus in SR 6th house 
9. Yod between moon in 8th sextile uranus in 6th both inconjunct mars in 1st (sun and venus are also conjunct the moon but not involved in the yod because I know the degree orb is 2-3 degrees for a yod, and sun and Venus are 8 degrees from the moon) 
10. All the houses are in opposition to my natal ones, so my 1st house lines up with the 7th/8th, my 2nd house with the 8th/9th, etc which puts for example, my 6th house natally in my 12th SR house.
11. Natal ruler of my 1 and 6 rules SR 7 and 1 . 
12. Natal 8th house ruler, jupiter is in SR 11th involved in a grandcross, squaring my sun stellium in 8th and also in a grand trine with pluto and mercury in 3rd and 7th
13. Mercury and Venus are in mutual reception, with mercury, ruler of my SR 8th in the 7t . And Venus rules the 7th but is in 8th conjunct sun
14. Natal 12 house ruler, mars is retrograde in 1st
15. Pluto in 3rd is inconjunct to my sun and Venus in 8th in SR exact, I hope this isn't an indication of some sort if accident 
16. My SR ASC is in Scorpio, at the exact degree of my mothers natal ASC and my moms SR IC for this year is the exact degree of my sun, which is Aldo my grandmothers sun, and my uncles sun, as my grandma , uncle and I Share the same birthday 
17. In addition, my transits are difficult this year: 
Saturn opposition sun, triggering my naral yod between pluto/saturn and sun, so saturn triggers the mid sextile poimt
Neptune square sun 
Pluto opposition natal moon
Jupiter square natal sun and Jupiter 
Mars retrograde in 7th 

On a positive note-

Jupiter is trine my ASC, sextile my moon

Neptune is trine my moon and sextile my ASC

Pluto is trine my ASC

Still, this terrifies me! 

My mom has saturn conjunct MC in her SR, and its a 12 house return with stellium in 12/1 houses (born 2/19/61 at 11:11pm in flourence, SC) 

My dads SR is in 11 house with pluto conjunct the IC (born 8/22/58 at 8:40 am in Charlotte, nc )

My sisters SR is in the 8th house with a stellium spilling into the 9th, and there is a lunar eclipse on her birthday this year (born 9/1/92 at 8:22pm in Greensboro NC)

The rest of my family have pretty positive transits this year, with the exception being this is my dads 2nd saturn return this year 

I want to believe the best, a lot of changes are happening, my parents are retiring this year, my sister graduates from nursing school in the spring (and her natal 10 house will be on her ASC but in the 29th degree of sag which is a little disturbing also) and my parents want both my sister and I to stop depending on them financially (I have a good job but they still help me some as I do not make a lot)

Please , I need some advice! I'm considering relocating 

Dear Reader,

I analysed your chart. For the moment, we are interested in selecting a good Solar Return for you. If your relatives are willing to relocate as well, we could select good SRs also for them in the next posts on my blog.

Indeed, your current Solar Return in Wilmington, NC is pretty tough, moreover because of 5 basic elements:

1. Ascendant of the SR in the 6th natal house
2. Stellium in the 8th house of the SR
3. Mars in the 1st house of the SR
4. The transit of Saturn in opposition to your Sun
5. The transit of Pluto in opposition to your Moon

A 6th point would be the transit of Uranus in square to your natal Mars.

It is pointless to analyse each and every aspect, the Grand Cross, the Grand Trine, the superposition of the natal houses with the SR houses, the Yod or the superposition of your SR's planets with your parents' planets/houses. All these don't matter. The aspects in the SR alone are not that important. If we want, we could actually write an essay or even a book about each and every little coincidental aspect that we find. But, this way, we would lose all essence and reach the edge of madness.

My recommendation for your next SR is Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada. This is a good chart that offers general protection (Jupiter in the 12th house) and focuses on important travels, studies, but also on leisure and love (ASR in the 5th house with Jupiter transiting the 5th natal house). 

You should also see the bright side of this year, as you will have the positive transit of Jupiter through your 5th natal house, first in trine with your natal AS and Moon and then in trine with your natal MC. This transit favours love. After this, Jupiter will transit the 6th natal house and it will form a trine with your natal Sun, which will enhance your work activities and make you feel stronger. 

As regards job and money, I don't think you have reasons to worry, because in your natal chart you have the beautiful conjunction between the Sun and Jupiter in your 2nd house. Also, you have Venus in the 2nd house. You should not encounter any trouble in making a lot of money on your own. Sooner or later you will break the ice. That depends, of course, on the SRs. 

My advise to you for this SR in Prince Rupert, is to be careful with driving, roadtrips, and anything that is related to a vehicle or to more or less risky sports (skateboarding, snowboarding etc). I say this, because Uranus is squaring your natal Mars in the 3rd house and because, in this SR, you would have both Mars and Saturn in the 3rd house. 

A different option, in case you can't travel to Canada, could be the North-Western coast of San Francisco, a place called Point Arena (123:42W; 38:56N) or at West of Seattle, also on the Pacific Ocean coast (better in my opinion than SFO). In SFO, Mars would be on the cuspid with the 2nd house, which would drain your money through a lot of spending.

For more insights on Solar Returns, you can read the book "Transits And Solar Returns" by Ciro Discepolo.

Many best wishes,

* * *

Cara Georgiana, 

il 27 giugno è vicino.

Qual'è la soluzione migliore per spingere ancora di più il lavoro?

Ho una figlia e una compagna.


Nato a Mantova 27 giugno 1982 ore tra le 9.09 e 9.22. 

My birthday is near.

I would like to push further the work.

I am a self-employed but working within a single company as a commercial.

I have a daughter and a companion.

Rev. precendente Jakarta.

Assumptions about the revolution in 2016: Angra do Heroismo. (Portugal)

Ps. Interestingly the mars speech in tenth of revolution home, tied to a freelancer.

27/06/1982 Mantova hours 9:09 to 9:21. 

Dear Gabriele,

You have made a very good selection for your next Solar Return! Angra do Heroismo, Azzore

I'm sorry for writing with such a delay on the blog. I have a very busy schedule. However, I try to answer to everyone who writes on the blog. I will also try to answer to some other questions that you raised on the blog, but this later this month.

In my opinion, the best push for the career is either Venus or Jupiter (or both) on the MC. These positions are smoother for building a career and you can easily benefit of either the help of people around you or the help of destiny. Mars in the 10th house is also a push for the career, but it points more to sweating for getting ahead in your work or career. It demands you to run around, ask for help, prepare more, get involved body and soul. Many times there are also obstacles and you tend to first encounter opposition or hostility when trying to achieve a position. Of course, you can grab the position you want, but with more efforts than with a Jupiter/Venus on the MC. Mars in the 10th requires a more masculine attitude in profession and a more energetic grasp. You become restless, but at the end of the "road", possibly also successful, if the rest of the SR is positive.

Many best wishes,

Georgiana Costescu

Monday, April 4, 2016

Dear Readers,

I will give resolutions to each of you who wrote on the blog. But I will treat with priority the requests for the Solar Returns that approach.

Dear Georgiana,
happy new Year! I wrote you already on 17 July 2015 for my S.R. 2016 and you suggested me Fort Severn, Ontario, Canada. But, apart from that this location is not easy to reach, during the 2015 I have had a lot of problem with my job, remaining unemployed for three months. I know that my solar return 2015 spent in Edinburgh (Scotland) is not finished and other good job opportunities (I hope!) can arrived in my life until to my next birthday. But my question is: can I change the location for my S.R. 2016 with Johannesburg (South Africa) with Mars in X house in order to have a big push for my career? Or your the location suggested in the last July is not modifiable?
My data are: Palermo (Italy) 11 April 1972 at 08:20 a.m.
Thank you in advance for your kind reply.

Dear Michele,

My opinion is that Fort Severn, Canada is just perfect for your next SR. However, if you can't travel there, you could go to Bethal, South Africa. This is a town very close to Johannesburg. I suggest Bethal, rather than Johannesburg, because Venus would be more into the 2nd house, counterbalancing the influence of Neptune in the 2nd and creating a good base for money, together with Jupiter in the 8th house. 
For career wise, Mars in the 10th house is good as a push, but it could also lead to losing a job or a position. It acts better for freelancers, but if you really work hard to improve career, it could help. This would make your year restless from the professional point of view. I would have personally avoided Mars in the 10th, moreover because Saturn is in the 11th in the SR and you have the tranzit of Saturn in the 7th natal house, which indicates potential troubles in social relations. Generally, we need good social relations and supporters (11th house) in order to enhance a career.
However, a very good idea is to use the Mars' influence to perfect yourself in your career: attend as many courses as possible, learn new skills, interact with a lot of people in your field, try as much as possible to be out of your comfort zone. 
As for this SR that is ending, spent in Edinburgh (Scotland), I can see that you have Jupiter in the 10th house. Certainly you've lost the job because of Saturn tranziting your 6th natal house, but, in my opinion, somewhere behind that event, there was some sort of emancipation. I would be curious to know more about the last events of the SR, if you are willing to share your experience.

Many best wishes,

* * *

Dear Georgiana,
I've just come back from my solar return in Darwin. Fantastic !!! I want to thank you for the precious suggestions you give. Unforgettable experience.

Dear Domenica,

I am glad you enjoyed this experience! I wish you an amazing year and the possibility the accomplish anything you desire!

Warm wishes,

* * * 

Dear Georgiana, thank you very much for the work you do on this blog, my english is bad, sorry. For my next birthday I found Georgetown in Guyana. My birthday I spent in the 2015 Lulea in Sweden . If I stay in Rome in 2016 would have the worst possible position of the sun Mars and Saturn not to mention that even the lunar revolution of April 29, 2016 would be terrible .what do you think about it? you have to suggest a better goal ?

Cara Georgiana, molte grazie per il lavoro che fai su questo blog, il mio inglese è pessimo, scusami.Per il mio prossimo compleanno ho trovato Georgetown in Guyana. Nel 2015 il compleanno l' ho passato a Lulea in Svezia. Se nel 2016 rimanessi a Roma avrei le peggior posizioni del sole marte e saturno accompagnata pure da una lunare del 29 aprile pessima. Cosa ne pensi? Hai da suggerirmi una meta migliore? Barbara Pat (born in Rome May 5, 1961 at 12:20....nata a Roma il 5 maggio 1961 alle 12,20). A warm greeting.

Yes I confirm you, I was born in Rome May 5 1961 at 12,20 p.m.(in the afternoon)

Barbara Pat

Dear Barbara,

For your next SR I recommend Curitiba, Brazil. Please see below the chart. Georgetown (Guyana) is not a good option, because you would have 3 planets in the 8th house, combination which has the same bad influence as the 12th house. It is ok to have 2 planets in the 8th house, but not more.

If you can't reach Curitiba, you could also go to Sao Paulo

The Lunar Revolution you are mentioning, will take place on 28th of April at 8:09 AM in Rome, Italy. I believe a good alternative, would be to travel to Dubai for that date. But, of course, it depends a lot on your activities and plans that you have for that period.

Warm wishes,

Georgiana Costescu

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Dear readers,

The charts that I present on the blog are all correctly calculated. I invest a lot of time in each case and pay a lot of attention when I draw the charts. Such mistakes are not allowed here!

I received some messages from people that calculate the SR on different websites which might actually not work properly from time to time. 

If I present a chart here on the blog, then you can be 100% sure that it is correctly calculated.

Hi Georgiana, 
I'm sorry to bother you again, but I have to confess you, I didn't understand your reckoning system for my father's 2016 solar revolution. Infact with the astrologiainlinea website, I can calculate a different chart for Las Palmas and also for Honolulu not corresponding to your charts. Especially the LAS PALMAS'S CHART is very close to the MALINDI-KENYA SR'SCHART i've found for my dad with his datas.....21st march of 1959 09.20Am.....maybe is a misunderstanding or the calculation system is different.....it would be fantastic if we can find a coherent solution to this question to avoid annoying further problems in the future.....thanks again.....


Dear Alessandro,

The charts that I created for both Las Palmas, Spain and Honolulu, Hawaii are correct.

The data of your father that you indicated and that I used for the calculation is 
21 March 1959, 9:20 AM, Rapallo, Italy

I made a test on the astrologiainlinea.it and it seems that there is a bug and it doesn't work properly.

You can also make a test on http://www.astrotheme.fr/revolution_solaire.php 
This site is pretty accurate.

Here below you can see the chart for Malindi, Kenya, which I do not advise at all.

Many best wishes,

I received many messages recently. I read them all and I will try to answer to all in a timely manner.

Please excuse the delay of my answers. This is a busy period for me, but I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you so much for your understanding! 

For any urgent matters, please feel free to write to my email thesolarreturn@gmail.com
