Dear Georgiana,
I'm Natascia and as you suggested me I write here a post in order to ask your precious help to find the right place for my next ASR. My purpose is change company, 'cause I don't feel good here, but I love my kind of I want to express my potential and now I can do it.
I did last ASR in Micronesia -Yap Island - as Ciro suggested. I tried by myself to discover the righrt place for next ASR: Portalnd - Maine- USA. What do you think about?
I was born on 1978, December the 19th at 01:30 a.m. in Quistello (MN) - Italy.
I forgot to write that I live in Milano - Italy...sorry.
Thank you so much and have a nice day.
Dear Natascia,
With the chart of Portland, Maine you will definitely change your job or maybe even the profession. But I would personally choose São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil. You can change the job with this one, too, without afflicting love. As for Pluto in the 6th house, you can easily exorcise it by, not only changing the job, but also by changing your diet with more natural food. For example, you can start drinking fruit smoothies every morning or become a vegan/vegetarian. With Venus and Saturn in the 4th you can strive to improve the interior/exterior design of your home. It should also involve lot of work of repair.
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Hi Georgiana,
where do you suggest me to spend my birthday this year? I'm so worried because of saturn in my first house, pluton in the 2th in opposition to mars which is in the 8th house ....
Born in Rome (Italy) 10 August 1966 at 15:12 (03:12 pm)
I actually live in Ferrara (Italy), what if I spend my birthday here?
Thanks so much,
Dear Donatella,
I studied your chart together with my dear fellow astrologer Katia Novikova.
Here is the answer of Katia:
Per Donatella.
Gentile Donatella! La tua RS é difficile da risolvere. Sei sicura di voler partire visto che lo chiedi solo una decina di giorni prima del Compleanno? Ma sopratutto siamo sicuri che la tua ora di nascita sia precisa (15.12)??? Luogo buono con Giove in MC sarebbe in Sosnogorsk (vicino ad Ukhta in Russia), ma oggettivamente non credo che si possa ottenere il visto Russo in cosi poco tempo. Ci sono altri opzioni di RS, piu facili da raggiungere, anche con Giove in cuspide 11/12, ma sempre con Asc in X! E tutti questi RS richiedono ora di nascita abbastanza precisa. Rimanendo a casa tu avrai molte difficoltà economiche (Saturno in 2). Dovresti cercare di esorcizzare tale posizione difficile seguendo consigli di Ciro (dal libro “I simboli planetari”). Giove e Venere in 11, Venere in X di RS a Ferrara e buon transito di Giove ti daranno una mano. Io mi sarei preoccupata molto di più del anno 2016, quando RS sarà ancora piu difficile da trovare a causa della vicinanza di Marte e Saturno! Anno prossimo ti consiglio di pensare al Compleanno mirato molto prima, magari anche cercando di rettificare ora di nascita con protocollo di Marte se non lo hai fatto ancora... Un caro saluto, Katia
Given the circumstances (visa, time issue), I would personally go to Trondheim, Noway, as a better alternative than Ferrara. It still has Saturn in the 2nd house, but Venus would be between 10th-11th houses, which has a better influence. For the whole year, your purpose would be to exorcise Saturn in the 2nd. It usually implies an important aquisition or, simply, money trouble.
Below is the Trondheim, Norway option:
A different option, with Saturn in the 3rd, is Stornoway, Scotland. But in this case, only Mars would be in the 10th house and the ASR also in the 10th. This has an implication on your relation with your mother. It is also possible to deal with some sort of mourning with this chart. It depends a lot on your current situation.
Please see below the Stornoway chart:
With best wishes,
* * *
Sofia said...
Dear Georgiana and blogger, I have an question:
He solar return 2014 Sydney New Colombia - Canada
I solar return 2015 Sydney Australiana
Every things about business and legal question for him, all ok.Now he stay in London and averythinghs is changed ..maybe..about the about our love relationship .. we go wrong?
He born in Padova 17 September 1957 6.00 am
I born in Naples 4 June 1965 11.43 pm.
Thank you very much.
Dear Sofia,
If the birth hour is correct, I recommend Nizhnevartovsk, Russia to your husband for SR 2015.
Please see the chart below:
Did you mean Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada for SR 2014 in the case of your husband? In this situation, with Mars and Saturn in the 7th house, together with ASR in the 8th house, it definitely means relationship troubles.
For your 2016 SR, I believe it is too soon to decide. However, I can think of a chart and I will post it in the next days.
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Dear Georgiana, I would ask you an advise about my next birthday. My name is Carlo and I was born in Turin (Italy) on the 03 February 1975 at 13:45. I spent my less birthday in Turin, where I live. There is a good location for my birthday 2016? Thanks a lot, best regards. Carlo
Dear Carlo,
Thank you for your message.
For the 2016 SR, I recommend to you Koror, Palau Island.
Many best wishes,
* * *
Chiedo la cortesia di suggerirmi una località per un buon compleanno 2015;
mio figlio e risolvere la causa del divorzio da mio marito sono in primo piano.
Grazie mille
Loretta: 12 novembre 1970 ore 12:25 Milano
Dear Loretta,
Is your hour correct? If yes, I would not change too much from your base SR of Milano. I would simply move Saturn a little bit away from the 12th house cuspid. And, in this case, you could go to L'Île Rousse, (Corsica) France (north of Corsica). It should be this location only in Corsica, where you can spend your next birthday. Otherwise, we risk to place the ASR in the 12th house and we cannot do that.
Please see the chart below:
Cordiali saluti,
* * *
Cara Georgiana,
vorrei chiederti un consiglio per la prossima RS del padre di mio figlio,Luigi nato a Conselice (Ravenna) il 29/10/1942 alle ore 04,00 (da estratto di nascita). La RS 2015 per Cusano Milanino (MI) presenta Marte in 4 casa e Saturno in 6 casa, ti chiedo se esiste una buona,o discreta soluzione che possa escludere Saturno dalla 6 casa.....Come esercizio, ho provato a cercare una soluzione : mettendo Marte in 3 casa Saturno va in 5 casa,Urano e l'ascendente in X casa. Luigi è un piccolo imprenditore e,come tanti, soffre da diversi anni della grave crisi economica,vorrebbe vendere l'azienda ma,ad oggi, non ha trovato acquirenti interessati. Vorrei chiederti,per Luigi,la miglior RS per proteggere la salute, l'ambito economico, quindi anche l'aspetto patrimoniale, consolidando,se possibile, il suo lavoro dato che è, ad oggi,l'unica fonte di reddito per la nostra famiglia. Luigi vive a Cusano Milanino,e abbiamo un figlio di 13 anni. Luigi ha trascorso il ritorno solare del 2014 a Cusano Milanino, l'anno è stato caratterizzato da un grande impegno in ambito lavorativo,le uscite di denaro sono state maggiori rispetto alle entrate. Inoltre il 30 novembre 2014 è mancato,dopo due anni di malattia, un suo dipendente e fidato collaboratore,è stato per Luigi un momento molto difficile,di profonda sofferenza. Luigi si sottopone, con regolarità a controlli medici,e ad oggi gode di buona salute. Grazie per la tua disponibilità.
Carla, Milano (nata a Rimini 11/10/1962 alle ore 12 e 05 / 12 e 30, RS del 2014 trascorsa a Eskişehir )
Dear Georgiana,
I would like to ask your advice for the next RS father of my son, Louis, born in Conselice (Ravenna) on 10.29.1942 at 04.00 (from birth certificate). The RS 2015 to Cusano Milanino (MI) has Mars in the fourth house and Saturn in the sixth house, you wonder if there is a good, fair or solution that can be excluded from Saturn 6 home ..... As an exercise, I tried to find a solution: putting Mars in the third house Saturn is in the fifth house, Uranus and Ascendant in X house. Louis is a small business and, like many others, is suffering from several years of severe economic crisis, the company would like to sell but, to date, found no interested buyers. Let me ask you, for Luigi, the best RS to protect the health, economic, so also the historical aspects, consolidating, if possible, his work as it is, to date, the only source of income for our family. Louis lives in Cusano Milanino, and we have a son of 13 years. Louis spent the solar return in 2014 to Cusano Milanino, the year was characterized by a strong commitment in the workplace, the outputs of money were more than revenue. Also on Nov. 30, 2014 it passed away, after two years of illness, one of his employees and trusted collaborator, has been a very difficult time for Luigi, of profound suffering. Luigi undergoes, regular medical check-ups, and today enjoys good health. Thanks for your availability.
Carla, Milan (born in Rimini 11/10/1962 at 24:05 / 24:30, RS 2014 spent Eskişehir)
Dear Carla,
I have two suggestions for Luigi. First is Indian Springs, Nevada, US, very close to Las Vegas (1 hour drive). If we take in consideration the birth hour 4:00 as the correct one and if we think that he might have been born, in fact, 2 minutes earlier, at 3:58 am, he could spend the birthday in Las Vegas. I suggested Indian Springs just to secure that Mars won't have any influence over the 8th house.
I would personally choose this, but ONLY if the birth hour is correct! Otherwise, I do not recommend it. If Luigi were born less than 5 minutes later than the official hour 4:00 am, then he would have a stellium in the 8th house, which is a very dangerous position!
The other option is Ekaterinburg, Russia. This is good if he intends to take on a new job or change the profession. It implies a drastic change in his activity or profession. This is a relatively safe option if the birth hour is a little bit unprecise.
Please see below:
Also, please confirm whether your birth date is 11 October and not 10 November. I have to create also your chart, because they work in synergy.
Cordiali saluti,
Georgiana Costescu