21st of August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
Donald Trump vs. the eclipse
I wanted to write a few things about Donald Trump and the 21st August eclipse. Everyone is talking about its major influence on how things are going to develop during the next 6 months. Why is it so special, since there are total solar eclipses every 18 months?
Well, indeed every 18 months, on certain parts of this globe, total solar eclipses can be seen. Most of the time, their observation point happens to be either over the ocean or across an inhabited location like the desert or Antarctica. The previous one, for example, happened to be across the Indian and the Pacific Ocean. So, when it happens that the whole arch of the eclipse falls across the whole width of the USA, it is a big deal. The previous one that spanned across the USA was on 26th of February 1979.
Here we could be talking about "coincidences" or about "big coincidences", since it happens that the whole eclipse crosses over the USA and, moreover, conjuncts the birth Ascendant of the USA's president, during his first year of occupancy at the White House. And the president is also a very controversial character.
I heard many astrologers saying that this eclipse will mean the end of Donald Trump as a president, because of the conjunction between the eclipse's meeting point and the president's Ascendant. It is to be noted that the eclipse point also conjuncts Trump's natal Mars.
So, what does this really mean? Is this eclipse marking an important period in Donald Trump's life? Yes, it does.
Does this eclipse have a special meaning for the United States? Yes, it has.
Therefore, I wanted to have a look at it from the standpoint of Active Astrology.
Lets have a look first at the transits on the day of the eclipse (21st of August) in comparison to Donald Trump's natal chart. See below:
As we can see, the New Moon (Sun-Moon conjunction) falls at almost 29 degrees in Leo, where Trump's Ascendant is. His Mars is at approx. 26 degrees in Leo, so also in conjunction with the New Moon.
The New Moon in Leo over the Ascendant indicates a new start, a new approach in expressing leadership, a transformation. It could mean either a fall into power or a fall out of power. It is a predestined path that is starting now, once with this eclipse, and it will certainly impact his presidential mandate. Usually, the events that follow the eclipse that conjuncts the Ascendant, are seen as the effect of a crisis, a personal crisis. You see yourself trapped in the context of a crisis, and the only way to overcome it is through a radical transformation, a new beginning or through an assertive action (Mars conjunct the eclipse point).
The important aspect to notice is that the eclipse point, together with Trump's Ascendant, forms a strong trine with transit Uranus. This truly looks like a powerful transformative energy that urges him to make the necessary changes and also adopt an extravagant attitude. Uranus gives sudden original ideas and solutions to this personal crisis. It is a rule breaker and a game changer. Important to note is that Trump has the Sun-Uranus conjunction in his natal chart, in the 10th house (the way he uses power). I totally think this is not a coincidence that he is the president of the United States at this moment. This looks like a special mission for him, during a time when the USA needed a restart. I think he represents a wake up call for the US transformation, moreover, for the collective transformation. But this transformation seems to be forced in a way, and all the burden will fall onto the citizens of the USA...
Donald Trump vs. the United States vs. the eclipse
If we analyse the chart of Donald Trump (14 June 1946, 10:54 AM, Jamaica, Queens, NY) together with the chart of the United States (Declaration of Independence, 4th July 1776, 4:50 PM, Philadelphia, PA), we notice that the Mars of the president is in perfect opposition with the Moon of the USA.
The Moon in the chart of a nation represents the subconscious fears of the collective, the need for personal security and for having a safe home, a family, but also it is about belonging. The Moon is even more important in this theme, since the Sun sign of the USA is Cancer, very much synonim with the "American Dream" that the nation promotes, which is owning a home. More than owning, it is about security, but also about the ideal family image, the mother, the father and the child sitting round the table and having dinner. Thinking that the USA is in the sign of Cancer, we also understand the emphasis that Americans put on food, having their fridge always stuffed with all sort of foods, and then gathering around the table for a family great meal.
Well, there could be more to say about the family/mother archetype that the USA represents, but let's return to Trump vs. USA.
The Moon of the USA is in the sign of Aquarius and in the 3rd house, which indicates that the USA is a space for nurturing inventive ideas, scientific inovations, but also for nurturing the sense of personal freedom. The thing is that the Moon is about fluctuating emotions and primary instincts, while Aquarius is a mental sign. The USA nation holds a very idealistic emotional conviction about their personal freedom. But the fluctuating Moon might not allow them to fully see the picture. This Moon falls in the 3rd house, which impacts the communication, the information and the media. So, basically, this is the mind of the US collective.
Now, Trump's Mars and Ascendant oppose this collective Moon of the USA, which means that people are feeling threatened by what Trump is planning to do and how he is taking action from his office in the White House. He is triggering their personal and emotional security.
Even more interesting, the eclipse point, while conjuncting Trump's Ascendant and Mars, was opposed to the USA Aquarius Moon, a 2 degrees orb opposition. This again indicates that Trump's actions will have an impact on how the nation feels related to their personal freedom and security. Given the fact that it is an opposition with the eclipse, I see it challenging. As mentioned above, the Moon represents the family/mother/child archetype. At the same time, the eclipse point, opposing the Moon of the USA nation, means that there will be 'forces' menacing the personal and emotional security of the citizens, possibly their homes or anything that represents a habitat or a nurturing source.
Another interesting observation for the synastry between Trump's chart and the USA theme, is the conjunction between Trump's 10th house Sun-Uranus conjunction with the USA's Mars in the nation's 7th house. Mars in the 7th house of the USA represents a provocative feature in the way that the country has been conducting its politics. Mars in the 7th house is the war, the agression. The 7th house represents both the friends and the foes. Since the Sun-Uranus conjunction of Trump impacts the nation's Mars, this could be an indication that he will be riding with the wild force that Mars in the 7th house represents, as I said, a provocative and disruptive force (Mars conjunct Uranus).
What does Active Astrology say?
The total eclipse should impact the events for a period of about 6 months from now on. So, let's look at Donald Trump's Solar Return for this year.
We know for sure that the president was at the White House on the day of his birthday this year, so the chart is accurate.
We can easily see that his chart truly respects the rules of Active Astrology. In a word, I would call it "protective".
Jupiter is in tight conjunction with the Ascendant of the Solar Return (ASR), which ensures that whatever happens this year, whether good or bad, he will be landing on his feet, just like a cat. He can go out of a dangerous situation like through a miracle. "Luck" seems to be the second word for this chart. Therefore, looking at this chart, Trump won't be leaving the White House office at least until his next Solar Return in 2018, if he still longs to be there.
Venus in the 7th house also ensures that he will have good interactions with the people that he collaborates within his functions. It is again a sign that he will slide through all offenses that are being brought to him. He will also change most of his collaborators and officials according to his plans (Uranus in the 7th house).
There could be a radical change in the interpretation of this chart only if he was born at least 20 minutes earlier. In that case, Mars would be closer to the Midheaven, which indicates troubles and accusations for his use of power. Also, Venus would pass onto the 8th house, no longer protecting the 7th sector of business relationships and politics, leaving only the rebelious Uranus in the 7th house.
Now, looking at Saturn in the 3rd house and at the stellium in the 9th house, which also includes Mars, we understand why Donald Trump is dealing with such bad advertising over the media. He is and will continue to be trashed all over the media. He will face hostility in the press, but also in the public opinion.
Saturn in transit is currently conjuncting Trump's natal Moon and opposing the natal 10th house Sun-Uranus conjunction. This is one of the worst aspects in astrology. The Sun-Saturn opposition acts like a loss of power, a discreditation, losing the leadership, or at least the image of it. In its best interpretation, it points out to a great struggle to maintain the power, to perform in a way that keeps him on the floating level. Saturn conjunct with the natal Moon speaks about the personal crisis, the dark night of the soul, the depression. I think Trump is facing his own fears, as well. Therefore he seems like a perfect match for the current US collective emotional vibe. Saturn is transiting Trump's natal 4th house and opposing the planets in the 10th house. This puts a lot of burden on being able to handle both career and his family attributions.
However, during this period, Trump benefits of the Jupiter transit which is trining his natal Sun. This is a great aspect. It will not last too long, but during these unstable after-eclipse moments, it is very soothing and stabilizing on all levels. The aspect will be strong and supportive only until 23rd of September 2017.
The 3 planets in the 9th house mark his connection with the international politics. With Mars there, I can see that he will be facing hostility also from the foreign side. But this Mars in the 9th house could also mean war with a foreign nation. He is already in a dispute with North Korea. Let's just hope that Venus in Trump's 7th house will help in mending good diplomatic agreements eventually. But in the context of the eclipse, the diplomatic agreement might just be a temporary one.
The Ascendant of the Solar Return falls in his natal 2nd house, which shows that his current major preoccupation in his function as a president, is doing good business for the USA, making money and rasing the economy through any mean and method. No wonder he summoned the NATO allies to pay their "contribution" and buy military munition from the USA, in exchange for the alliance's protective wing.
As a conclusion, given his chart, I personally think that despite of the accusations and prosecusions coming from outside the USA, but also from the interior, Trump will still ride the wave and manage to come out in a gracious way, at least until his next Solar Return in June 2018. The current transits are harsh, it is true. It is as if walking on a road and the people around are throwing with stones at him. But I think that Jupiter on the ASR and Venus in the 7th house of the Solar Return 2017, will help him take the right decisions, at least for himself and for the USA.
Georgiana Costescu
Donald Trump vs. the United States vs. the eclipse
If we analyse the chart of Donald Trump (14 June 1946, 10:54 AM, Jamaica, Queens, NY) together with the chart of the United States (Declaration of Independence, 4th July 1776, 4:50 PM, Philadelphia, PA), we notice that the Mars of the president is in perfect opposition with the Moon of the USA.
The Moon in the chart of a nation represents the subconscious fears of the collective, the need for personal security and for having a safe home, a family, but also it is about belonging. The Moon is even more important in this theme, since the Sun sign of the USA is Cancer, very much synonim with the "American Dream" that the nation promotes, which is owning a home. More than owning, it is about security, but also about the ideal family image, the mother, the father and the child sitting round the table and having dinner. Thinking that the USA is in the sign of Cancer, we also understand the emphasis that Americans put on food, having their fridge always stuffed with all sort of foods, and then gathering around the table for a family great meal.
Well, there could be more to say about the family/mother archetype that the USA represents, but let's return to Trump vs. USA.
The Moon of the USA is in the sign of Aquarius and in the 3rd house, which indicates that the USA is a space for nurturing inventive ideas, scientific inovations, but also for nurturing the sense of personal freedom. The thing is that the Moon is about fluctuating emotions and primary instincts, while Aquarius is a mental sign. The USA nation holds a very idealistic emotional conviction about their personal freedom. But the fluctuating Moon might not allow them to fully see the picture. This Moon falls in the 3rd house, which impacts the communication, the information and the media. So, basically, this is the mind of the US collective.
Now, Trump's Mars and Ascendant oppose this collective Moon of the USA, which means that people are feeling threatened by what Trump is planning to do and how he is taking action from his office in the White House. He is triggering their personal and emotional security.
Even more interesting, the eclipse point, while conjuncting Trump's Ascendant and Mars, was opposed to the USA Aquarius Moon, a 2 degrees orb opposition. This again indicates that Trump's actions will have an impact on how the nation feels related to their personal freedom and security. Given the fact that it is an opposition with the eclipse, I see it challenging. As mentioned above, the Moon represents the family/mother/child archetype. At the same time, the eclipse point, opposing the Moon of the USA nation, means that there will be 'forces' menacing the personal and emotional security of the citizens, possibly their homes or anything that represents a habitat or a nurturing source.
Another interesting observation for the synastry between Trump's chart and the USA theme, is the conjunction between Trump's 10th house Sun-Uranus conjunction with the USA's Mars in the nation's 7th house. Mars in the 7th house of the USA represents a provocative feature in the way that the country has been conducting its politics. Mars in the 7th house is the war, the agression. The 7th house represents both the friends and the foes. Since the Sun-Uranus conjunction of Trump impacts the nation's Mars, this could be an indication that he will be riding with the wild force that Mars in the 7th house represents, as I said, a provocative and disruptive force (Mars conjunct Uranus).
What does Active Astrology say?
The total eclipse should impact the events for a period of about 6 months from now on. So, let's look at Donald Trump's Solar Return for this year.
We know for sure that the president was at the White House on the day of his birthday this year, so the chart is accurate.
We can easily see that his chart truly respects the rules of Active Astrology. In a word, I would call it "protective".
Jupiter is in tight conjunction with the Ascendant of the Solar Return (ASR), which ensures that whatever happens this year, whether good or bad, he will be landing on his feet, just like a cat. He can go out of a dangerous situation like through a miracle. "Luck" seems to be the second word for this chart. Therefore, looking at this chart, Trump won't be leaving the White House office at least until his next Solar Return in 2018, if he still longs to be there.
Venus in the 7th house also ensures that he will have good interactions with the people that he collaborates within his functions. It is again a sign that he will slide through all offenses that are being brought to him. He will also change most of his collaborators and officials according to his plans (Uranus in the 7th house).
There could be a radical change in the interpretation of this chart only if he was born at least 20 minutes earlier. In that case, Mars would be closer to the Midheaven, which indicates troubles and accusations for his use of power. Also, Venus would pass onto the 8th house, no longer protecting the 7th sector of business relationships and politics, leaving only the rebelious Uranus in the 7th house.
Now, looking at Saturn in the 3rd house and at the stellium in the 9th house, which also includes Mars, we understand why Donald Trump is dealing with such bad advertising over the media. He is and will continue to be trashed all over the media. He will face hostility in the press, but also in the public opinion.
Saturn in transit is currently conjuncting Trump's natal Moon and opposing the natal 10th house Sun-Uranus conjunction. This is one of the worst aspects in astrology. The Sun-Saturn opposition acts like a loss of power, a discreditation, losing the leadership, or at least the image of it. In its best interpretation, it points out to a great struggle to maintain the power, to perform in a way that keeps him on the floating level. Saturn conjunct with the natal Moon speaks about the personal crisis, the dark night of the soul, the depression. I think Trump is facing his own fears, as well. Therefore he seems like a perfect match for the current US collective emotional vibe. Saturn is transiting Trump's natal 4th house and opposing the planets in the 10th house. This puts a lot of burden on being able to handle both career and his family attributions.
However, during this period, Trump benefits of the Jupiter transit which is trining his natal Sun. This is a great aspect. It will not last too long, but during these unstable after-eclipse moments, it is very soothing and stabilizing on all levels. The aspect will be strong and supportive only until 23rd of September 2017.
The 3 planets in the 9th house mark his connection with the international politics. With Mars there, I can see that he will be facing hostility also from the foreign side. But this Mars in the 9th house could also mean war with a foreign nation. He is already in a dispute with North Korea. Let's just hope that Venus in Trump's 7th house will help in mending good diplomatic agreements eventually. But in the context of the eclipse, the diplomatic agreement might just be a temporary one.
The Ascendant of the Solar Return falls in his natal 2nd house, which shows that his current major preoccupation in his function as a president, is doing good business for the USA, making money and rasing the economy through any mean and method. No wonder he summoned the NATO allies to pay their "contribution" and buy military munition from the USA, in exchange for the alliance's protective wing.
As a conclusion, given his chart, I personally think that despite of the accusations and prosecusions coming from outside the USA, but also from the interior, Trump will still ride the wave and manage to come out in a gracious way, at least until his next Solar Return in June 2018. The current transits are harsh, it is true. It is as if walking on a road and the people around are throwing with stones at him. But I think that Jupiter on the ASR and Venus in the 7th house of the Solar Return 2017, will help him take the right decisions, at least for himself and for the USA.
Georgiana Costescu